Saturday, June 30, 2018


I apologize in advance for this essay/rant being all-over-the-place, but I'm angry...

Went to the Farmer's Market today, only to have it interrupted by an anti-Trump, pro-"families" demonstration.  This was probably not the best decision on the part of the demonstrators - to march THROUGH the Market and disrupt it, not once, but circling around and going through it again and again.

Many of the farmers and attendees are the Middle-America Trump supporters and were rather vocal in their "disgust" for the demonstrators, though most people simply watched.  Me?  I was disgusted by both sides.

As usual, the Right / Trumpists were intractable and close-minded in their opinions while the Left did the usual brainless oversimplification of the problems at the border by chanting that we welcome immigrants.

So do I.

Legal ones.  Ones that go through the proper channels rather than cynically using their children as pawns to try to sway public opinion and get placed at the head of the line - like they have been for the past 40 years.  Whoah, wait... hold on.  Don't quit reading just yet.  This is NOT a pro-Trump rant.

Let's get a few things straight first.  To begin with, I don't like Trump.  A lot of my liberal friends will tell you I'm a "conservative."  I find that odd and laughable because I actually supported Bernie Sanders in the last election.  I didn't like Clinton and hated Trump because both of them are, in my mind, crooks and legal manipulators.

But, Trump won.  My personal view of him is that he is an incompetent, idiot, reactionary that says and does things without really thinking through the consequences because he's a spoiled rich kid that is just far too used to "getting his way."  I truly believe that he is pushing this country (and the world) toward a massive social and economic disaster/recession with his policies.  I also think that his narrow-minded immigration views are faulty, even though I've often said that "It is simpler to keep the fox out of the hen house than it is to let it in and then try to train it not to kill the chickens."

But, the Right's almost ecclisiastical belief that Trump has even the slightest bit of their interests at heart makes them the biggest fools on earth.  Trump only cares about Trump and what will make Trump wealthier.  To think that this cynical businessman cares anything about the average worker in the U. S. is delusional.  And, to think that his policies will work to make us great again is ignorance at the highest level.  Why?  Because the Right over-simplifies things as well, thinking you can just cut into the nerve bundle of economics with a butcher knife without paralyzing the economy.

All his talk about "A Wall" and "Making Mexico Pay For It" is laughable.  But, his black-and-white immigration policies are what I fear most. There are always exceptions to the rules.  But, the Left wants to mindlessly "open the borders" to these folks?  Please!  An "open border?"  Which one?  Are we only opening it to Latinos?  What about Swedes, Pakistani's, Iranians and everyone else?  Do we totally scrap our immigration process, which, for the most part, has worked well?

If you mean "only for Latinos", that means that the Drug Cartels would then have free-reign to use them as mules for bringing drugs across the border  (they already do that now, but this would make it a flood again) and it would open us up to allow possible terrorist organizations to infiltrate the country.  THAT IS WHY WE HAVE AN IMMIGRATION PROCESS.  It allows us to weed out criminals, sociopaths and other undesirable elements before they get citizenship.  Those that want to "open our borders with open arms" would also be the first to cry "do something!" to the politicians when the first terrorist bomb goes off.

Okay, so if we "simplify" the immigration process, we still have a problem.  Terrorism is not always imported.  More often than not, it's home-grown because of the attitudes of those "Middle-American's" that voted for Trump - meaning parochial-minded, rural "farm country" Americans and religious zealots who preach against the word of their own God.  So, it's not so much immigration policies that need to be changed, but the attitudes of most middle-class, religious-right, white bigots.

Let's face it, it's not that we are letting terrorists in to the country - we don't have to do that.  We are far too good at creating home-grown terrorists through the attitudes of people, especially among young, WHITE people in rural and suburban high schools, that tend to villify, alienate and disgruntle the children of those people fleeing persecution in their own countries.  Instead of helping them try to integrate, they call them names, bully them because they are "different," and accuse them of being "terrorists" to the point where the kids actually believe they should be.  It is WHITE America pushing these people into the arms of terrorist organizations.  Why?  Because they are WHITE terrorists who profess to be followers of Christ, but would lynch Jesus if he ever set foot on this planet again... because he's "different" (and Jewish, and a socialist!)

That said, let's understand something else where the political Right is correct and the Liberal Left is not:  Those folks crossing our Southern border are not "undocumented workers" (the Left always enjoys "softening" the language out of fear that it may "offend" someone), they are illegal aliens.  They are all criminals - immediate felons -because they are trying to skip the line and get in under the ropes, much to the consternation of those spending thousands of dollars and countless hours trying to become citizens legally.

That said, the illegal alien problem on our southern border is not a simple one. People on the Left keep pointing to "100 years ago, when we were open to all immigrants."

Yes.  And you know what?  THEY WERE ALL LEGAL!  They came from all sorts of other countries, true, but they did it as documented, LEGAL aliens who were willing to be assimilated into the country's culture.  We opened our arms to them, true.  But THEY DID IT LEGALLY.  They didn't just stream across and demand legal status.  They went through a process.  And yes, their arrival created crowded slums in our cities and forced the children into forming gangs to protect themselves and provide a means of survival.  They formed Irish gangs, Jewish gangs, Sicilian gangs, German gangs, Japanese gangs, Chinese gangs, etc.  It caused lots of problems for decades... and IT WAS LEGAL IMMIGRATION.  If that caused all those problems for years and years, what the hell kind of problem would be caused by opening our southern border without any process or plan?

Bad idea, those of you on the Left.  Just as brainless and clueless as Trumps current "policies."

Now, our policies shouldn't be without compassion.  These aren't Mexican's coming across the border, they are refugees from other countries south of Mexico.  They are fleeing violence, crime, corruption, murder, etc.  Why don't they stay in Mexico, where (at least) they have a common language?  Mexico won't have them.  In fact, Mexico is trying to keep them from crossing their southern border.

But, stripping kids from their "parents" (keep in mind that we don't actually know how many of these kids actually belong to the folks bringing them across the border) is not the solution.  Nor is detention.  If you really want to "stick it" to Mexico, the simple solution would be to send them back to Mexico City and tell them to apply for asylum at the embassy... not that it will be a quick process and that they won't try to come across again - but it will put some of the onus on Mexico to "do something" as well.

So, no, it's not as simple as opening the borders and letting all in with open arms and brainless minds.  Nor is it denying those that sincerely need asylum without any due process.  But, at our southern border, it is not a simple few asking for that waiver - it is an invasion.  Literally thousands of people per week. And we have no plan.  This is not "all Trump's fault" either.  We haven't had a plan for decades because our Congress is too chicken to actually do anything.  They are more concerned with getting re-elected than in actually tackling the serious problems facing our nation.

And, no matter how we house these refugees - no matter if it's a tent city that would be 100 times better than the conditions they've previously been living under - some bleeding-heart is going to whine about how "inhumanely" we are treating them.  So, this is where I sort-of agree with Trump is that we have to stop this invasion.  Unfortunately, the man opens his mouth without thinking through the consequences or even "having a plan" himself as he signs "executive orders."  Which makes him the biggest idiot ever to hold that office.

What is the solution?  We need to have serious, civil discussion that is as politically neutral as possible.  We need to have open discourse that is free of volatile rhetoric, name-calling, and won't turn into hate-filled political rants, angry arguments or snide swipes "at the other side."  We need to find viable solutions (via compromise and compassion) on how to deal with this problem and then put together a coherent plan that will define explicitly how it is to be executed.  Unfortunately, it won't happen for three reasons - politics, rhetoric, and an ignorant voting public that is easily swayed by the political blabber of whichever media outlet they choose to accept as "truth".

Worse, we are a country divided.  We are ever-more-polarized by our two major political parties and the ignorant blind-adherence to the dogma and doctrines of those parties to the point where any rational, intelligent and solution-based discussion is nearly impossible.  We are this way because the political rhetoric of the extremes of both parties have pulled us away from the center (where things actually get done because those in the center are willing to compromise in order to move things along a path).

But those that identify or label themselves as "Democrat" or "Republican" (or worse, "Liberal" or "Conservative") are pulling us apart.  Which leads me to ask; are those parties all that much different when you look at what the goals of those in office?  Not really.  Those elected to office are all doing the same thing - consolidating their personal power - which, IMHO, make the Democrats and Republicans two cheeks on the same butt.

With the voting public divided by their rhetoric, the Democrats and Republicans (and their Masters, the Wealthy 1%) can keep us under control, directing our energies toward fighting each other while they build themselves into a powerful political class that buffers us from the ruling class - those that control a majority of our economy and industry and are crushing the working man-and-women's ability to get paid a decent wage, have decent healthcare and a quality retirement.  By pitting us against each other, they are crushing the hopes of our future, and that is what is really sad.  We, as voters, are too stupid to see that!

Honestly, I'm hoping that there IS a change in these mid-terms and that there is enough of a change that both Trump and Pence will either be impeached (unlikely) or that all their policies will be blocked (more likely).  It won't solve anything and will just make the polarization and shouting-match all the louder with an even greater unwillingness to compromise on anything, but I'd rather have gridlock than bad legislation - from either party.

I have to shake my head in wonder at Middle-America and their blind support for Trump.  Trump does NOT have your best interests at heart.  He is a master of distraction, enriching himself while making you think he's actually going to "make America great again."  No, he's not.  He's going to drag our economy into the gutter, pulling the rest of the world with it and what he's actually going to do is "Make China Great."  Russia, too.  And, whether or not he is re-elected, he will walk away wealthier and more powerful than before he held office.

Yes, even as China moves toward a more State-Run Capitalism, we are going in the other direction, toward a National Socialism... That would be "NAZI" to you guys on the Right... And I'm not all that comfortable with that notion.

Trump wants to drag us back into the white-bread, Leave It To Beaver, 1950's where women were silent, stay-at-home mom's, the Blacks stayed on their side of the tracks and gays were lynched.

No, I don't want that kind of "Great" America.  I want one where everyone has the same rights, the same opportunities, the same acceptance.  I want an America where we can discuss our differences civilly, agree-to-disagree without rancor, and move ahead with compromises that, while they might not be totally satisfactory for either side, will (at least) move us forward for the greater good.  THAT is when we will be "great again."

Unfortunately, we have become so polarized, so divided with an "us-against-them" ideology, that any attempt at rational discourse and civil discussion is nigh-on impossible.  The 1% is winning and the American voting public are their fools, as long as we maintain this illusion of a "two-party system."